Telegram from C. Subramaniam on 30 September 1961 that the Prime Minister is willing to meet Ramakrishnan and his students

Even though Alladi Ramakrishnan was doing an outstanding job training students in modern physics, and providing them opportunities to meet leading physicists who spoke at the Theoretical Physics Seminar, and these eminient scientists admired Ramakrishnan's efforts, still Ramakrishnan needed the help of administrator so that his efforts could bear fruit. That administrator was Education Minister C. Subramaniam, who saw the vision of Alladi Ramakrishnan to create a new institute for advanced research in Madras, helped him every step of the way until the creation of MATSCIENCE and beyond. In particular, it was C. Subramaniam after meeting the students of the Theoretical Physics Seminar, impressed on Prime Minister Nehru that he (the Prime Minister) had to meet Ramakrishnan and his students. The statement by Nobel Laureate Niels Bohr (Nehru's own guest!) in the press about Ramakrishnan, finally convinced Nehru to meet Ramakrishnan and his group. The meeting at the Raj Bhavan (= Governor's residence) in Madras on October 8, 1961, was arranged by C. Subramaniam. The telegram from Subramaniam in Delhi to Ramakrishnan conveying this wonderful news is attached.

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